
Historical and Fictional Pirates: Enamel Pin Collection

Created by Brian Linss

A collection of Historical and Fictional pirate enamel pins, stickers, prints and more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pins are still in the works!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 04:48:10 AM

This has been a busy month! With all the designs and counts finalized we are now in the hands of the manufacturers and shipping company. 

Early prototypes of the Pride OFMD flag came in and were a huge hit at Emerald City Comic Con and I am so happy with the quality of the pins and I am sure you will be too! 

This month also saw me with a 3 week battle with Covid, which luckily I triumphed over, lol. Some soreness, brain fog and fatigue still remain, but I am moving forward with gusto! 

As soon as I have  any additional info, you all will be the first to know. We are well underway and now it is just a short waiting game. Thanks again all for your support.

- Brian

Almost all the surveys are in!
about 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 22, 2022 at 08:37:16 PM

With 93% of you returning your surveys, we had enough information to provide our enamel pin manufacturer with the counts. Artwork has been submitted to not only the pin manufacturer, but also the sticker manufacturer as well. The final artwork has also been completed on the free 4x6 sticker sheet that everyone with a pin tier reward will receive as a freebie! 

There is still time to add on items before your orders are locked if there are any last minute pins, stickers or prints that you want for yourself or as a gift for another. 

I included many of my pop culture posters, stickers and pins from my popular comic con booth into the addon store at prices never previously offered.

Your support has meant the world and I cannot wait to start the next project!

Updates from the manufacturer as they come. We are on track!

Thank you all!

Surveys are coming out today!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Jul 12, 2022 at 04:18:25 PM

That's right me mateys, the surveys are being delivered today. There is a pre-order store where you can add more of the pins you might have forgotten during the campaign as well as a ton of stickers and pop culture art prints from my portfolio that you can purchase at a discount. Huzzah!

Again, thank you so much for your support and I cannot wait to get these pins and stuff into your mailboxes!

- Brian

Be a Pirate!
Be a Pirate!

We did it!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 01, 2022 at 01:40:59 PM

A massive thank you to you all for making this kickstarter project of mine a reality and a big success. This has been my first kickstarter and I am humbled by the amount of support it has been shown and by all of your generosity.

Now comes the fun parts. Kickstarter will collect your pledges and I will get to work setting up the reward surveys, add ons and shop on backerkit. This should take about two weeks to complete as I navigate these waters for the first time. The manufacturers have been alerted that orders will be incoming, and they are eager to get these pins into our hot little hands. 

Keep here for updates and I will talk with you soon. If there is anything you need in the meantime, please reach out. Again, thank you all! Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrggghh!

We have unlocked the ship's wheel pin, Hoist the Colors!
over 2 years ago – Sun, Jun 26, 2022 at 08:09:03 PM

We still have The Goonies pin to unlock and possibly another unlockable historical design ;)

I could have never expected such tremendous support! Thank you all and keep on sharing, we are almost there.